Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Here is Miss Francesca, the star of the weekend:

We went to her baptism at St. Pauls on Saturday. Here is the happy family:

Here is Z and Stef. acting cute. They are growing so fast:

And this is Tracy's daughter Alannah. Isn't she pretty? Tracy was Class Salutatorian. In 8th grade she and her sister and the girl down the street used to steal her mom's car and go riding around the neighborhood. Don't think my mom knew about that one. Not to mention our spring break debaucles. And now she's a mom to two and a CPA. Man, time flies.

We had a fun afternoon, hanging in the pool, bbq'ing and listening to music. It was great. We also celebrated Simo's birthday.

The four of us are going to the Police concert tonite. I'm all excited. Can't wait to give the details. Then it's off to the beach for four days. Thank goodness. I need some relaxation and nothingness. Ahhhhh I can think about it now.

But first, I have to go to the dermatologist. Nothing big, I hope. Just refilling my rosacea meds and checking my moles. I do have a new one on my scalp that I hope is nothing. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

eljay716 said...

ok now I am caught up, see what happens when I have to work and can't keep up with my blog readin? have fun at the beach, or hell you may be home by now for all I know!