Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What No One Wants to Talk About

Okay, I’ll warn you now. This is a serious thread. I’m going to ramble for a bit. So, if you are not for the melancholy, sign off now.

I saw the doc, and I’m on Cymbalta. I’m on my second day. I have to admit, other than being a little jumpy, the side effects are minimal. I’m a little tired-er in the morning, but once I have my caffeine I’m raring to go. Now, I’m still a little nervous, anxious, whatever, when I get up. But, I know from experience that takes weeks to really subside. But does it?

Now, I told the dr. that when I was on Effexor I gained about 30 lbs. He assured me that this was different, that this helps with impulses. But from a few things I’ve read on the internet is that the two drugs are somewhat similar and therefore, weight gain is not that uncommon. Hmmm...we’ll see at the end of the month.

I like Dr. Duany. He’s been in the family for 20 years now. And he tells it like it is. Basically if things around here aren’t going to improve, then drugs alone aren’t going to help. I see the point. But instead of changing the situation, I’m just looking to deal with it, to change my attitude about it. Does that make sense? I don’t really like taking any kind of drugs, but I think I’m smart enough to know when I can’t do it alone. And of course, the whole family history thing comes into play, which is why drugs weren’t entirely ruled out.

So it gets me thinking. Where does family history come into play? How do I know I’m not going to go off the deep end? Be in and out of the psycho ward, like my mother has more times than I can count. Every time something like this comes up, when I get a little unbalanced and realize I need help, I ask myself, is this it? Is this where I become my mother??? How do I know if this is just a bump in the road, or the beginning of the end?

Mental illness is hereditary. That’s a proven fact. My mother was only a little younger than me when first diagnosed with manic depression. I’m sure my grandmother had it too. She displayed all the classic symptoms. But she lived in an age and time when that kind of thing wasn’t even talked about, much less accepted. And even, today, it’s hard to discuss. When I have to say I’m sick with a cold, instead of telling my supervisor why I’m really going to the doctor. Because of the stigma. The stigma that mental illness has, even now in 2007.

The truth is I’m scared. Scared of becoming the person I’ve tried so hard to separate myself from. The person who could not hold a job, raise a child, function in society. Am I destined to become just like her???? Or can I fight destiny? And by taking pills, am I helping myself, or am I just falling into a hole?


Michele L from Tampa said...

Hope it all works out for you Mar! Meds to help one thing effects another - sucks!

Ginni C. said...

Oh Mary. I can feel your confusion although my story is not the same the intent of not becoming my mother as I grow older is the same. By far the BEST thing I ever did for myself is to take the Redirect Your Life class. I'll link it here, but if you get a chance, talk to Dee W. about it also. I think you'd get a lot out of the class. It helps you do exactly what you said in your post, think about things differently. Love ya!!! Ginni

JulesinParadise said...

Mary, wish I could offer some sage advise. I am sorry to hear about the health issues (and that is what this is...mental or is all about health). Hope this med helps! keeping you in my thoughts!

:Jayne said...

I hope the meds help! I worry about the dementia stuff, runs really bad in my dad's side of the family in women. It was probably Alzheimer's but they didn't know. Either way, it scares me to death that I'll lose my mind.
Hang in there girlie!

Kip said...

Science has come a long way and the meds they have today are a huge difference than in your grandma's or mom's time. I understand your concern and I would talk to the Dr. about it and let him know. If the meds work, then take them and don't worry about anything else. We want you healthy and if that means taking a pill for life, so be it. Hugs to you.

eljay716 said...

oh Mar... I know I am late and we talked this weekend but you know I love ya. I know from dealing with ADD/ADHD kids that medicine is much better taken than not. If a pill is all it takes to take the edge off that won't go away without it by all means take it. And you know all my secrets now.