Friday, May 9, 2008


Real ones. In our building. HELP!!!!! Deb and I were coming back from lunch the other day, and there were some people hanging outside the restroom. We went to see what was going on and found a out about a 12” rat, with about a 2 inch tail was seen crawling out of the plumbing crawspace. Ohmigod, can I just faint right now? I don’t handle creatures well at all. Egads.

But here’s the funny part. About an hour later, I see a lady from our building management and a guy with a pest control shirt were standing outside the bathroom. And he refuses to go in!!! Kept saying, nope, I’m not going in there. DUDE! You’re a pest control guy, that’s your job. I mean, isn’t St. Pete known for having a lot of fruit rats, especially in this part of town? You’d think he’d know how to deal with it. Well, apparently SOMEONE went in and sealed up the plumbing door. Which means the rat (and his 100 closest friends and relatives) are still probably in the walls somewhere. One of my co-workers made a comment to watch out for the kitchen, there are sure to be some holes in there to climb through. Lovely!

If you haven’t tried the breakfast at Wendy’s...Well, don’t bother. I wanted to go to the Sangwich shop around the corner from us. They have breakfast sandwiches, and have fairly decent Cubans, so I thought I might get some Cuban toast. I’ve been craving it for weeks. But they weren’t open, boo-hoo. So, I drove up to Wendy’s, they just started serving breakfast a few months ago. Eh, nothing to write home about. My eggs especially were rubbery. Hate that! I’ll stick to my Egg McMuffins, thank you very much. AH, well. I guess I’ll wait for lunch time.

1 comment:

Kip said...

damn rats...they ate through all my AC stuff in the attic and now I have to redo it.....hate them!