Monday, August 11, 2008

Another week begins

Kind of a sad weekend around the B. household, unfortunately. We found out yesterday that DH’s Aunt Violet passed away Sunday morning. She is dh’s grandfather’s sister-in-law. A nice, sweet lady. She was in an assisted living facility, and they put her to bed on Saturday nite. When they went to check on her Sunday morning, she was gone. So she passed in her sleep. I guess if you are going to go, that’s the way to do it.

Of course, DH’s uncle is so full of tact. We’re in the middle of a kid’s birthday party, when he blurts out, “Hey, did you hear about Aunt Violet?” “Well, she’s dead.” Well, isn’t that special. :eyeroll:

Sometimes, I can be so over this bunch. Take my MIL. Yesterday was his grandmother’s birthday. When he talked to her a few weeks ago, it was assumed we were going to do something together. Then, when the kids’ party invitation came in the mail, DH is all freaked out, because it’s the same day as Ama’s birthday. I said, hey don’t worry about, just call your mom, and see if she can schedule something another day. Oh, no, can’t do that, it has to be Sunday. Okay, fine, just tell them to do it a little later on Sunday. Oh, no, can’t do that, we’ll just have to leave the party. Okay, fine, do what you want.

So, we don’t hear anything from MIL all week. DH tries to call her on Friday. Can’t get through to her. (Their voice mail is not set-up for some reason). Come to find out yesterday, that MIL and her DH took Ama out...ON SATURDAY. Didn’t ask us, didn’t invite us, DIDN”T EVEN TELL US! (And they took her to LeeRoy Selmon’s, which made DH even more upset!) So, we just did our own thing, and went by Ama’s on Sunday after the party, and brought her, her gift and visited for a while. What can you do? There are just some things that are out of our control. You just shrug it off and move on.

Then on Sunday, Isaac Hayes died. Now that was a bummer. Probably one of the best soul artists of our time. We got to see him about 10 years ago at Ruth Eckerd Hall. It was a great show, albeit short. (Only an hour and a half and no encores). But he was an awesome entertainer.

And then, with Bernie Mac dying on Saturday, another great talent, cut way too short. But here’s something I bet you didn’t know...Bernie Mac, Isaac Hayes and Samuel L. Jackson just finished filming a movie that is due for release later this year, called Soul Men. I don’t know about you, but I sure wouldn’t want to be Samuel L. Jackson this weekend. Holy crap!


Kip said...

interesting family your dh has, lol!!!

eljay716 said...

read about his aunt in the paper this morning.. wondered if she was related. Family is family..we all have em and man are they strange sometimes. Don't get me started on mine. LOL