Friday, April 18, 2008

Too Much Time on Their Hands

Okay, I’m on a political soap-box this morning, look out! It’s over this story:

Now, seriously, if you have a pair of these on your truck, I am inclined to think that this is to make up for other, um, shortcomings in your life. I mean, what is the purpose to them, really? Other than to gross people out. “ooo, look at you, you’re so manly with those balls hanging down there” :eyeroll: But I digress...

Does our legislature really have so much time on their hands to be worried about this crap? I mean, have they lowered our property taxes significantly? Have they done anything about the insurance crisis? How about the fact that state universities are rejecting qualified students because of budget cuts? Oh, and by all means, let’s waste valuable law enforcement resources by chasing after these scofflaws, because we know there aren’t bigger criminals to catch, now are there?

Yes, let’s waste valuable tax-payer monies and resources arguing about balls. That’s brilliant! I hope everyone remembers this, come re-election time. “Yes, Senator, what important bills did you pass? Tax Relief? Education Reform?” “Why, no, I didn’t have time for that. But I did pass a law against those sinful truck balls!”

Grotesque? Yes. Repulsive? Absolutely! But, illegal? Puh-leaze!


:Jayne said...

You know I read a similar article in the Gainesville paper on Friday morning and thought the same thing. It's an outrage! I agree fully with you. So sad, no wonder we are in the shape we are in!


Kip said...

I totally agree Mare, mare...this is actually the firs time I've seen what they look like but or gawd's sakes, the leg. has too many other things to worry about!

Unknown said...

Did any of those politicians ever object to the naked ladies that pose on millions of trucker's mudflaps?